Episode 18: The Law of Least Effort- Doing less and accomplishing more.
In this episode, Jayla and Shaye dive into the Law of Least Effort detailed in Deepak Chopra's book the 7 Spiritual Laws of Success. This ancient Ayurvedic spiritual teaching is all about being motivated by love and moving at the speed of nature. It's about protecting your energy not draining it by forcing things into existence or resisting what is. We talk about ways to apply this to your life by 1.) Accepting the present moment (not resisting it because that drains your energy); 2.) Taking responsibility and acting with love on what you want (act with love and that builds energy and do not blaming anyone else because that drains your energy), and 3.) Being defenseless- (you don't need to defend your point of view because it's your point of view). Fighting against what others believe about you is an energy drain. If you're a control freak or feel frantic at times trying to make things happen because you're resisting what is, than this episode is for you.